exhibited in ORI BERLIN, 02.06.2023

video installation exposed in MOLT, Berlin, 08.07.2023

for full video click here

There are infinite versions of ourselves.

Countless shapes we can assume.

Who am I going to become?

UNAFORMA, is an exhibition that invites viewers to reflect on the multiplicity of the self and the fluidity of identity, while encouraging them to embrace the uncertainty and movement inherent in the process of self-discovery.

The 25 minute performance will consist in both sound and visuals: the performer will interact with plaster molds, analyzing and tearing them apart, while the sound will be triggered from contact mics within the molds to create a sense of intimacy with the crowd.

The concept behind UNAFORMA explores the uncertainty and fluidity of identity. As the artist grows into adulthood, she struggles to find a form that fits her completely, without suffocating other aspects of herself. She realizes that she has often imposed an identity on herself, or the world around her has done it for her.

UNAFORMA delves into the complexities of identity and the fluidity of the self through the medium of performance art. The performance explores the unease and disorientation that can arise when attempting to fit into a fixed identity. Through the interaction of the body with inanimate objects, the piece highlights the struggle to conform to societal expectations and the limitations that this imposes on the self.

The mannequins featured in the exhibition represent different versions of the self, each one imposed or expected by society, or by the individual herself; and in which the individual may struggle to find a space. The search for a mannequin that suits the self represents the quest for a fixed identity, while the act of crushing these puppets symbolizes breaking free from the confines of societal expectations and creating one's own space.

The exhibition also explores the concept of accepting the dynamism of life, time, and oneself, as symbolized by the act of covering oneself with the leftover shreds of the mannequins. By accepting and integrating different aspects of the self without attachment or erasure, a new form can emerge, one that is constantly evolving and adapting.